The Best Free Stock Photo Sources for Bloggers
When most people think about blogs, they think about the written articles, the words on the screen. But images and photos play a huge role in blogs, they capture the reader’s attention, and quickly. Usually, people check out the images before reading the post and make a snap decision about whether they will stay or click away.
If you are a new blogger, you are probably learning your way around the WordPress dashboard, juggling social media posting, and writing blog posts. The idea of learning photography may seem a little overwhelming.
Thankfully, there’s a ton of websites with beautiful stock photography popping up all over the web. Best of all, they’re free!
Why Use Stock Photos?
Stock photos are available as an instant download in a wide range of styles, making it possible to quickly get great looking photos to use on your blog, whereas setting up a photo shoot and editing photos for the “perfect photo” can take quite a bit of time. While original photos are great, you will find you don’t always need to dedicate half a day to a photo shoot to make your point, just make sure to only select images that fit your overall brand identity and site or brand aesthetic.
I’ve curated a list of awesome websites for free stock photos you can check out when you want to add a pretty visual to your blog posts. I’ve also put my personal favorite free stock photo sources in bold.
The Best Free Stock Photo Sources for Bloggers
- Negative Space
- Picjumbo
- Stokpic
- Kaboompics
- Startup Stock Photos – tech and business related photos
- Freerange
- LibreShot
- Fancy Crave
- Unsplash
- SplitShire
- Life of Pix
- Pexels
- Gratisography
- ISO Republic
- New Old Stock – Vintage photos from the public archive free of copyright restrictions
- Pixabay
- Foodiesfeed
- Burst (by Shopify)
- Reshot
- Picography
- SkitterPhoto
- Little Visuals
- Epicantus
- ShotStash
- StyledStock- free feminine stock photography for every woman entrepreneur
These free stock photo sites are fantastic resources for bloggers looking to add some visual appeal to their blogs without investing in a lot of expensive photography gear, and time.
If you are new to blogging share your site URL in the comments, I can’t wait to visit your new home on the internet, and if you haven’t set up your new website, check out my setup guide for a new WordPress site on Bluehost tutorial, it is easier than you think!