Beautiful Beginnings
Planning a cut flower planting for spring 2022, during the long dark days of mid-winter.

When you live in Upstate New York, at least once in your life, you’ve probably cursed the long winter and threatened to pack up and move to a warmer climate. Recently I have been muttering sentiments of finding a warmer climate frequently. But I know these threats are always empty.
Year after year, I layer on the warmest of my clothes, lace up my boots, and trudge through the snow, carrying buckets of water and grain to livestock, though biting mid-winter wind gusts and knee-high snowdrifts.
During these long cold dark days, my thoughts always turn to spring. With each spring comes a new planting season, full of possibilities and potential. But this year, more than ever before, the desire to tend to something beautiful and create something that will bring joy is a constant earning for me.
For over 50 years, vegetables have been grown on our farm. We are often stretched thin during the warmer months as a small family operation. I’ve wanted to grow flowers for years. But it always felt like a frivolous indulgence with so much already going on.
But the past couple of years has only deepened my desire to create a space uniquely my own to make something beautiful.
I’ve decided to see what happens if I just go for it. Try something new, and take a leap. It is exciting and terrifying. Daily I ask myself, “should I be doing this?”, “can I do this?”.
Because I will never know unless I try, Spring 2022 will mark my first cut flower planting on the farm, and I am inviting you the come along for the ride.
I will be sharing my experience raising flowers with the intention of selling bouquets, from seed to bloom. I have no doubt that mistakes will be made and lessons learned along the way. But I believe there is much to be gained by chronicling the journey along the way.
I hope you are just as excited for spring as I am. I will be posting updates here on the blog and videos on Youtube. I hope you will consider joining me.
As I tell our farm’s story, I’d love for you to be a part of it. The last time I started flower seeds, my kids were toddlers, and the temptation of trays full of was too much for little hands to resist. My attempt at starting seeds was a frustrating failure.
I always love hearing from you, but especially now, I would be grateful for any knowledge, tips, or advice you are willing to share along the way.
Hi, from another Trish in upstate NY. Actually I’ve heard non upstate people say that we are so far north we’re considered southern Canada ! Anxious to see what you will be posting on your website. I too am an avid gardener and love to see others gardening projects. Happy spring!
I look forward to your fresh cut flower garden journey. Also in Upstate NY and quite aware of the long winters we have, I am hoping to create a small cut flower garden also this spring too. Mine will be a small venture in our back yard (I envy your large farm growing space) but hopefully enough for me to enjoy. Good luck!