2015 Reader Survey
I love this time of the year. I really use the time in between Christmas and New Years to evaluate the state of my blog. I have been pouring over analytics, checking out what seemed to work well and what went over like a lead balloon, trying to figure out where to go in 2016. But there is only so much I can learn from stats.
I really want to know what you want to see more of at Home in the Finger Lakes!
I have put together a super quick survey, and I am really hoping you will participate. This will help me get to know you better, and give me an idea on areas that need improvement at Home in the Finger Lakes.
I have kept the survey short and sweet and completely anonymous, it should only take a few minutes.
I want Home in the Finger Lakes to be fun and inspirational place for myself and you. With your feedback, I can plan out 2016 for Home in the Finger Lakes. And just like last year I will share the results with you!
If for some reason you can’t see the survey below, please click this link or copy and paste this URL into your web browser:
Many thanks,
Your blog makes my day a little brighter.
Thank you, Diana!!
I miss the area.grew up there.lived in Hammondsport last.thanks for the memories and updates.