Your turn to talk: 2015 Reader Poll
About 2 months ago I posted my Birthday Goals for the year. One of my blogging goals was to get more intentional about blogging.
Becoming more intentional about blogging is a goal I have actually been chipping away at, unlike the lose weight one. I took an awesome 8-hour SEO workshop, which gave me quite a few pointers on making Google happy. I have also been evaluating the state of my blog. I have been pouring over analytics, checking out what seemed to work well and what went over like a lead balloon, trying to figure out where to go in 2015
The only thing that is missing? You!
What do you want see more of at Home in the Finger Lakes?
I have put together a quick survey, and I am really hoping you will participate. This will help me get to know you better, and give me a gauge of general interests.
I have kept the survey short and sweet and completely anonymous, it should only take a few minutes, and I would really appreciate it!
I want Home in the Finger Lakes to be fun and inspirational place for myself and you. With your feedback, I can plan out 2015 for Home in the Finger Lakes.
If for some reason you can’t see the survey below, please click this link or copy and paste this URL into your web browser: