Connect with Home in the Finger Lakes
It’s been pretty busy here lately, we are in the middle of calving and planting on the farm and there are a ton of end of school year activities going on for the kids that are keeping me busy. Because it’s been a while since I’ve reminded you of all the places you can find me on the interwebz, and I the busier I get the more I rely on social media for quick updates, so I thought I would just mention the places I can be found around the web.
Instagram Ok, so I was tardy to the Instagram party, but I am here now and love it!! It is probably the best reflection of what I am up to every day. I love using Instagram to post quick updates and see what everyone else is up to! Follow me here & if you make one of my recipes tag them with #homeinFLX so I can see them!
Pinterest Who doesn’t love Pinterest? I curate a lot of home, food and farm boards, and also pin stuff related to Upstate New York and the Finger Lakes region.
Facebook I have a love-hate relationship with Facebook, they are constantly changing their algorithms making it difficult for page owners to be seen in news feeds, if you’re not seeing posts from Home in the Finger Lakes in your feed, click over to my page and like a few things, leave a comment, or share a post to your wall. Interacting with pages let’s Facebook to know that you’re interested and you will start seeing my posts in your newsfeed.
Twitter I am not as active on Twitter as I use to be, probably because I found I enjoy Instagram more, but I am still there and tweeting. You can find me at @homeinFLX
So those are the places I am most active on social media. If you start to wonder if I’ve fallen out of the blogosphere just check one of these sites, odds are I am chasing calves or carting kids around to sporting events 🙂
There is a lot of talk in blog land about Snap Chat, I currently don’t have any plans to get on board with Snap Chat, am I missing anything there? I would like to get more involved with Youtube at some point, but need to get over my camera shyness first 😐
What is your favorite social media platform, where do you like to follow your favorite bloggers?