Reader Survey, What you told me

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So, my laptop died last week and not having a computer seriously squelched my ability to blog.  But I am back now, with a brand new computer, and working on getting myself caught up.

Before my laptop kicked the bucket I posted a reader survey. And really, I can not thank everyone who took the time out of their day to respond enough. You guys are awesome!

I thought the response were interesting so, I thought I would share what I have learned from the whole survey experience.

1. How long have you been reading Home in the Finger Lakes?



I started Home in the Finger Lakes 2 years ago, so it was neat to see that a good chunk of you have been here since or close to the beginning!

2. What are your favorite topics on Home in the Finger Lakes?

Favorite Articles


The favorite topics of readers who responded to my survey was articles about the Finger Lakes area, followed by seasonal recipes, and then homemade mixes and pantry staples. 

3. What is your gender?


Women outnumber men as readers here, which I kind of suspected.

4. What would you like to see in the future on Home in the Finger Lakes?

At the end of the survey, I asked a couple of open-ended questions. To be honest, the question I was really intrigued by was “What would you like to see in the future on Home in the Finger Lakes“.  Many responses were left, and I looked at every single one.  I even made a cool word cloud out of the responses.
Reader Survey Word Cloud
 So, you can probably guess by looking at the word cloud the strongest response to the question “What would you like to see in the future on Home in the Finger Lakes” was farm stuff, with local interest posts in a close second.  This surprised me, given it ranked lowest on question #2, but that may have to do with the fact that it has been a while since I have posted anything farm related. 

Here’s a quick summary of your responses:

  • More photos of places/people.
  • Canning/preserving
  • Farm markets, co-op info, local interest posts
  • Real farm experiences – haying/cattle/calving/planting/harvest
  • More local places, attractions
  • Personal point of view posts
  • More recipes
  • More homemade seasoning mixes

I can’t possibly please everyone, but most of the responses are things I would like to write about anyway.  I was really surprised by the “More photos of places/people”  and “Personal point of view posts.” responses,  I think it will be fun trying out these kinds of posts here soon.

Thank you again, everyone for participating in the survey, it has helped me understand the current state of my blog, and given me some really great ideas for the future.

Don’t forget if you ever have a question for idea you can email me anytime at Jennifer (at) homeinthefingerlakes (dot) com.





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