Willard Tour: The Morgue

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This post is part of a series. To see all the buildings I visited on the Willard Tour click the links below.

Possibly the eeriest stop on the Willard tour was the Morgue. In the early years of The Willard Asylum was almost completely self-sufficient, as time went on more resources and tasks were outsourced, but the medical care remained in house until the asylum closed it’s doors in 1997, if needed even a Willard patient’s final medical procedure, an autopsy would of been preformed on the Willard grounds in a dedicated morgue building near the south end of the property.

No renovations have been done to the morgue, and while I was not as intrigued with this building as others, but the final picture on this page is among my favorites from the tour. There is something about the mix of colors,  textures and items from different decades that appeal to me.
Morgue Cavity Tool

Morgue Things


Willard Morgue Autopsy Table

Willard Morgue Sink


This post is part of a series. To see all the buildings I visited on the Willard Tour click the links below.

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    1. Hi Emily,
      I believe almost all of the buildings (with the exception of the fire department) had multiple floors, and I only remember seeing a functional elevator in one of the buildings.
      The steps into each building were just a few to a handful, but I don’t remember seeing any ramps.
      I suggest you contact the Elizabeth Cady Children’s center to confirm this, but I would not personally call the tour accessible.

  1. I am interested in the 2015 tour. Can I reserve 2 places or who should I contact for information. Thank you.

    1. I think I will be going back next year! Really the three hours is barely enough time to really see everything!