Life Lately: Week #5
What I was digging on the internets this week
- Why being ‘nice’ isn’t always good
- Breakfast Quesadillas, going to try this!
- Sometimes ‘plastic livestock’ help you fight the good fight, in a rather entertaining manning 🙂
- As soon as I find softball ribbon I am making these sleeve scrunchies
- Coconut Lemon Layer Cake (Easter Speckled Egg Cake)Â I think I am in love.
- Adding these little gems to a necklace! They are said to support those working in agriculture or horticulture.
- What’s wrong with youth sports…Amen
- Spicy Coconut Carrot Stew, I’m intrigued
What I was up to
This week I spent some time freshening up my site. I know a lot of you see only the mobile version, so you won’t really see the whole new color-scheme, but I am digging it.
Baseball and softball have started for the kiddos, which means I am spending a lot of time in my car waiting to pick someone up or drop someone off.
I started a trial Dailyburn membership, and am loving it, but I don’t think my ankle is as healed up as I thought, so I might be switching from the CardioScult program to the Pilates program, I will decide after today’s workout.
A few weeks ago our older dog passed away, she was old and in failing health, we all kind of saw it coming, but that did not make it easier. It has been extremely hard on our younger lab. I now have no doubt how deeply dogs feel. Molly has been depressed and grieving, and there is nothing more pathetic than a depressed lab. I have started taking her on extra long walks around the farm and it seems to help.
  Do all dogs walk in the least straightest line possible, or just my weirdo? At least she is enjoying herself!
 We checked out fences that need fixing
 Fences that have stood the test of time.
I did a quick look for some small old glass jars by the creek ( I think someone used it for a dumping area at one point) but only saw a small shard of cobalt glass. I’ll wait til the snow really melts and the stream is done running high to really look. Don’t worry I had my tetanus shot when I lost my boot in the cow pasture last year 🙂
 At the end of our walks she is always in a much better mood, this time decided a roll in the snow was called for.
I really can’t explain this picture. Maybe she was trying to lick the snow off her nose?
Like I said, weirdo 🙂
I am Mamta I am delhi based ( India) I have two loving kids I have love to cook for them I have try new recipes so will u be friend with me
I’m sorry to hear Molly is sad. You’re such a good mom for taking her on long walks 🙂 Your property reminds me of the family land that surrounds us – many similarities – uncanny….